Schulz Coaching Safeguarding Policy


    Schulz Coaching acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young person entrusted to its care. We are committed to providing a safe environment for all members and subscribe to The Football Association’s (FA) Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures, endorsing and adopting the Policy Statement contained within.

    1. Policy Statement

    • The welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults is paramount.
    • All participants have the right to protection from abuse and harm, irrespective of their age, gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, faith, or belief.
    • We take all suspicions and allegations of abuse seriously and respond swiftly and appropriately.

    2. Key Principles

    • The child’s welfare is the paramount consideration.
    • All children and young people have the right to be protected from abuse.
    • Working in partnership with other organizations, children, young people, and their parents/carers is essential.

    3. Responsibilities

    • Coaching Staff and Volunteers: Must understand and adhere to this safeguarding policy. Regular safeguarding training is mandatory.
    • Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO): Oversees policy implementation, manages concerns, and liaises with relevant authorities.
    • Management: Ensures policy implementation, regular reviews, and allocates resources for training and compliance.

    4. Reporting Procedures

    • Immediate Danger: Contact emergency services if a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger.
    • Non-Emergency Concerns: Report to the Designated Safeguarding Officer for assessment and appropriate action, which may include contacting social services.
    • Confidentiality: All concerns are treated confidentially and shared only on a need-to-know basis.

    5. Safe Recruitment

    • Implement robust recruitment procedures to ensure all staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children and vulnerable adults, including DBS checks and thorough reference checks.

    6. Training

    • All staff and volunteers receive regular safeguarding training to understand their roles and responsibilities.

    7. Code of Conduct

    • Staff and volunteers must maintain high standards of behavior and act as positive role models.

    8. Monitoring and Review

    • This policy will be reviewed annually or when there are changes in legislation or guidance from the FA or UEFA.

    9. Whistleblowing

    • Schulz Coaching supports The FA’s Whistle Blowing Policy. Any concerns about an adult in a position of trust can be reported to The FA Safeguarding Team, Police, Children’s Social Care, or the NSPCC.

    10. Anti-Bullying

    • Bullying of any kind is not acceptable. Incidents should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer and dealt with promptly.

    11. Respect Codes of Conduct

    • Implementing Respect codes of conduct for players, parents, officials, and coaches. Actions regarding repeated or serious misconduct will be taken according to club and County FA policies.

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